Your First Private Territorial Metaverse

The unprecedented inter-civilization migration of mankind has begun. When you own the first private territory of Famland, you will become the first generation of new immigrants in the Metaverse. The hope of creating a new world in the Metaverse will always flash in your spiritual consciousness.

Start Game

Open-source Famland Licensed.


The Famland Metaverse has completed the big bang, everything is in a state of chaos, and the universe is empty.

With your arrival, the bosons and fermions wandering in the universe began to gather and gradually merged into the original value particle YL (Yield Land) in the Famland Metaverse under the action of your consciousness.

Countless YL further automatically merged, and finally formed a new Famland that can continuously grow YL.

The fusion continues. The Famland you created and countless other Famland have jointly built the YL ecology (YLE, Yield Land Ecology). YLE is the new continent of the Famland meta-universe. Famland and other types of NFTs will continue to be generated, developed, migrated, changed and merged here. And this process of change and integration is the construction process of YLE. YLE will carry a brand new human society and human civilization.

And you will be the energy source for the development of the entire Famland universe, not increasing, not decreasing, and always present.

Your mission is to to generate a new continent in the Famland Metaverse, and to make this new continent show infinite value and vigorous vitality, then you can fulfill the mission of the Metaverse that one begets two, two begets three, three begets everything by YL and Famland.

Let's Start

Step 1

Create an EOS wallet account

EOS is the public chain with the lowest entry threshold and the lowest cost to enter the blockchain world. After opening an EOS wallet, you can enjoy zero gas fee for on-chain transactions.



Step 2

Create Famland NFT

Anyone in the world can create their own permanent private domain Famland NFT through the EOS wallet for free.



Step 3/h2>

Deposit Funds

Anyone only needs to invest a minimum of 100 USDT worth of digital assets to start buying property in the Famland metaverse world and start earning income.



Once your real estate fund is deposited, your Famland will start to farm automatically, and YL will continue to be produced. Even if you do nothing now, your income will continue to grow.

If you further explore Famland's value principle, you will get a higher Play to Earn return.


The advanced process is the process of buying a property in the Famland Metaverse, in order to make your Famland generate higher returns. There are three directions to increase income: Reserve, Cultivation, and Sharing.


If the YL produced by Famland is not collected, then the quantity of YL produced per unit will be more. The longer the YL produced is kept on Famland, the higher the future profit.



Cultivation is to increase the fertility value of Famland. The higher the fertility value, the higher the yield per unit time of YL.



Sharing refers to the promotion of Famland's shared value. The higher the share value of Famland, the higher the APY of the farm where Famland is located, and the higher the income of Famland.


Buying a property in the Metaverse through Famland is similar to entrepreneurship in the real world, but there are fundamental differences:

Entrepreneurship is a process from 0 to 1, and then from 1 to infinity.

Famland’s property purchasing does not need to go from 0 to 1. As long as people’s sense of sharing is together, 1 is born, and all 1s are aggregated under the influence of people’s consensus, which is the process of property purchasing from 1 to infinity.

Buying a property in Famland will achieve the equality of wealth for everyone in the Famland Metaverse, and finally achieve equality for all in human society.

This will be your rights, obligations, mission and glory as the creator of the Famland Metaverse.

Famland NFT

Famland NFT is the vehicle for people to purchase properties in the metaverse. Famland is similar to its own private farm. Each Famland includes three different plots, which are divided into basic fields, Original field and wild field according to different functions.

Famland is spiritual, it is integrated with the master's consciousness and spirit, so every Famland has its character, connotation, dignity and glory, and its existence is just like the jade in Chinese culture.

Famland farming in the Metaverse, basic fields is the foundation, and the core is mainly reflected in the farming of basic fields. Basic fields farming requires your careful management and configuration. It determines your personal and the future value, honor and status of this Famland. Original Field and wild fields do not need to worry too much, just invest on-demand.

Famland Cultivation

The main goal of the cultivation of Famland is to increase the fertility value of Famland. The increase in fertility is mainly divided into two directions. One is cumulative improvement, and the other is blessing improvement.

Cumulative improvement

The cumulative increase in Famland depends on the amount of funds deposited in each Famland block and the cumulative farming time.

Retrieving the seed funds that have been deposited into Famland's basic fields will reset the cultivation time and accumulated fertility value, so be careful.


Blessing improvement

Famland's fertility value can be increased through NFT blessing, so as to obtain the efficiency of accelerated improvement

In the Famland Metaverse, all NFTs that condense elements of human spirit, consciousness, culture, art, etc. can fertilize Famland.

CryptoTree is the first generation of NFTs that can be used for blessing on Famland. After the blessing is successful, the bonus factor of Famland can be increased immediately. In the future, which NFTs can be blessed for Famland and how much the fertility bonus will be increased, the community will vote to decide. .


If we say that BTC is the digital gold in the Metaverse. Then, Famland is the digital spirit jade in the Metaverse.

The more you get close to it, and the longer you stay with it, the more rounded, shiny, and psychic it will be.

Through the YLE system, bathing in Famland and getting close to Famland is the foundation of property purchasing in Famland Metaverse.

In the Famland Metaverse, the emphasis is on self-blessing and the blessing of sentient beings.

Of course, the strength of self-blessing is far less than the blessing of sentient beings. And Famland's future mutation, evolution, and sublimation stages can be finally completed by the blessing of sentient beings.

Famland Co-ownership

The goal of Famland co-ownership is to increase the shared value of Famland. The value of shared value does not affect Famland itself, but on the farm where Famland is located, which increases the YL output of the farm where it is located. The higher the shared value of the farm, the more Famland that contributes to the shared value, and the more YL produced, the greater the value of the farm.

Shared Value

Homebuyers can get the shared value of Famland after depositing assets in the Famland base land. The shared value will act on the farm where it is located. The higher the shared value of the farm, the more YL the farm produces, and the higher the annualized APY of the farming income.


Shared Value limit

Shared value limit refers to the periodic upper limit of Famland shared value in each cycle, which is determined by the amount of YL that users receive in the Famland base field. This limit determines the upper limit of Famland's current maximum shared value in Famland.


Shared Amount

Shared gold can be converted into shared value. For every 1USDT invested in Famland, the shared amount will increase by 1USDT. For every 1USDT withdrawn from Famland, the shared amount is reduced by 1USDT.


Famland's spirituality has the same frequency resonance effect. The closer the shared values of Famland are to each other, the stronger the effect of resonance at the same frequency, and the greater the value consensus generated.

In the real universe, people raise jade for three years, and jade raises people for a lifetime.

In the Metaverse, people raise Famland for three years, and Famland raises people for three generations.

Shared farm

In addition to the original farm generated by the system by default, the farms in YLE can freely combine Famland to form a new shared farm. As long as the number of Famland deposited in the basic fields reaches 30, a new shared farm can be created. Different farms enjoy different APY.

The level of APY of each farm depends on the YL diversion index of each farm. The so-called YL diversion index is the YL flow rate of YL newly issued by YLE from the total reservoir to the farm.

It can be seen that the higher the average shared value of Famland in the farm, the more the number of Famland, the larger the YL diversion index obtained by the farm, the higher the APY of the farm, and the more YL produced by each Famland in the farm.

Diversion Index

YL diversion index of the farm = (total share value of farm / total number of farm Famland) * flow coefficient

The YL flow rate of the farm = (the diversion index of this farm / the sum of the diversion indices of all farms) * the total flow rate


Flow Coefficient

The flow coefficient of the native farm is constant at 1.

The flow coefficient of the shared farm starts at 1, and the flow coefficient increases by 0.0001 for each additional 30 Famland of the shared farm.


Distribution Pool

The newly issued YL of the YLE system will flow into the distribution pool of the farm according to the flow rate, and the Famland in the farm will obtain the farming income according to its farming time, deposit principal value and APY.


The operation of Famland Metaverse Shared Farm builds consensus among home buyers through co-construction and shared algorithms and mechanisms, and protects the interests of home buyers with high consensus.

Famland's people-oriented design concept does not rely on homebuyers' capital investment, pays attention to the value of homebuyers' time and wisdom investment in the game, and relies on the algorithm rules of NFT value development and value sharing to maximize the protection of each homebuyer's basic in the game. Rights and fairness minimize the unfavorable factors that use capital to damage the healthy development of the game ecology.


Each homebuyer will have his own famland private area;

Every home buyer will make money, work, study and live in his own fmland private domain.

Countless famland private domains have jointly formed a brand new YLE ecosystem.

This is the new continent and new world that we have created together in the famland metaverse.

And this new world will be named by you.