

Ⅰ. Project Overview

With the development of science and technology, the unprecedented inter-civilizational migration of mankind has begun, and more and more people have gradually shifted the focus of life and work to the virtual digital world. The economic system of the real world is also changing to the new virtual digital world economic system.

Based on our enthusiasm and continuous exploration of the metaverse world, as an important infrastructure to carry the new digital economic system, we will make full use of the trustless mechanism of blockchain technology and the immutability of data to create a private domain that can be used in the digital metaverse. The Play-to-Earn ecosystem for home buying in the Territory.


Famland Metaverse is a Play-to-Earn game ecology of NFT value development that integrates various components including NFT, Game, and DEFI. Any home buyer only needs an EOS wallet address to create and generate a Famland NFT for free. Each Famland NFT is a private domain created by the home buyer in the Famland Metaverse.

By pledging Metaverse Property Seed Funds worth 100-500 USDT in Famland, home buyers can continuously obtain YL of farming income, and continuously cultivate Famland’s fertility and shared value by consuming YL, thereby obtaining higher returns.

Connecting the Famlands of countless home buyers constitutes a new continent of value, YLE, in the Metaverse. This new continent, just like the earth on earth, can plant trees, build buildings, build shopping malls, build schools, build factories, develop commerce, develop economy, develop culture, develop art, and build a new human order and new civilization.

The game is based on the original intention of people-oriented design, does not rely on capital investment, pays attention to the value of time and wisdom invested by homebuyers in the game, and relies on the algorithm rules of NFT value development and value sharing to maximize the protection of each homebuyer’s basic game in the game. Rights and fairness minimize the unfavorable factors that use capital to damage the healthy development of the game ecology.

Famland Metaverse is a 100% community-based project. The development, operation and market funds involved in the project are all invested or donated by ordinary home buyers. All assets and income issued by the project are 100% returned to community home buyers.

⒉A new world for home buyers

The significant difference between Famland and the Play-to-Earn mode of traditional games is that the Play-to-Earn mode of traditional games is a process from 0 to 1 and then to infinity. This model is similar to the entrepreneurial model of most real-world projects today.

To buy a home in the Famland Metaverse, there is no need to go from 0 to 1. Every homeowner only needs to invest 100-500USDT of seed home buying capital in Famland, and then they can start to integrate their shared consciousness with that of other home buyers. After the integration is completed, 1 will be created, and innumerable 1 of countless home buyers will continue to aggregate under the consensus of all home buyers. This is the process of buying a home from 1 to infinity.

Famland Metaverse home purchasing adopts the model of co-construction and sharing. The greatest significance of this economic model is that it enables every business owner in the community to achieve equality of wealth rights for everyone in the Famland Metaverse, and will no longer be controlled by capital or power. We only need to achieve financial freedom through our own hard work, and finally realize the equality of everyone in human society. This will also be the right, obligation, mission and glory of every business owner.

⒊How homebuyers make money

  • Earnings from farming Famland

  • Cultivate Famland NFT

  • Continuous collection of Nephrite NFTs

  • Trading NFTs within the ecosystem on the market

  • Stake YLS to get shared bonus dividends

  • Invest in shared farms to receive dividends from farm farming income

  • Receive shared farm incentive fund rewards

  • Airdrop rewards for investing in the original fields of Famland

  • Airdrop rewards for community home buyers

  • Stay tuned for more

⒋Our Mission and Mission

  • Help more people to develop a piece of real estate in the Famland Metaverse, and provide an indispensable main way for all homebuyers to achieve financial freedom.
  • Let all home buyers jointly build the YLE ecology of the new continent of the Famland Metaverse through Famland, and make this new continent show infinite value and vigorous vitality, and fulfill the mission of the Metaverse of One begets two, two begets three, three beget all things.
  • Through the Famland Metaverse property purchase process, we will realize the equality of everyone’s wealth rights and create an open world where everyone enjoys fairness and justice.
  • Build and share the Famland metaverse project into a metaverse NFT value standard that is more open, efficient, and easier to reach consensus, uniting developers and homebuyers around the world, building and sharing, and benefiting all mankind.

Ⅱ. Basic concept


YL (Yield Land) is a new type of algorithmic stability point in the YLE ecosystem. It is the most basic unit and transaction body that carries the value of all digital assets in the YLE ecosystem. The issuance of YL is linked to the new Famland economic value in the YLE ecosystem. People farming Famland on YLE’s farms can continue to earn YL benefits in perpetuity.

Famland NFT

Famland NFT is a carrier for people to home purchasing in the Metaverse and realize Play-to-Earn. Famland is similar to their own private farmland. After the homebuyers invest in seed property funds in Famland, they can continuously generate YL income. The core of cultivating Famland is to increase the fertility value and shared value of Famland.

YLE Ecology

The Famland NFTs created by countless home buyers have jointly built the YL Ecology (YLE, Yield Land Ecology). YLE is the new continent of the Famland Metaverse. Famland and other types of NFTs will continue to generate, develop, migrate, change and integrate here. And this process of change and integration is the construction process of YLE. YLE will carry a brand new human society and human civilization.

Native Farm

The native farm is a public farm in the YLE ecosystem. All newly created Famland by home buyers are cultivated under the native farm by default, and the farming income is obtained according to the APY rate of the farm. If the home buyer adds Famland to the shared farm, he will also withdraw from the original subordinate farm.

Shared farm

In addition to the public native farms, home buyers can freely combine their own farms to form new shared farms. As long as the number of farms that have deposited seed property funds in the basic farms reaches 30, new shared farms can be created. Different farms enjoy different APY benefits.

Famland’s Basic Field

The core of Famland cultivation in the Metaverse is mainly reflected in the cultivation of basic fields. The cultivation of basic fields requires the careful management and configuration of the homebuyer, which determines the value, honor and status of the homebuyer and the future of this piece of Famland. Home buyers can only generate YL income if they meet the priority of depositing seed property funds in the basic fields. Original Field and Wild Field don’t need to worry too much, just invest as needed.

Famland Basic Field Market Making Funds Compensation

After the principal of the Famland basic field deposited by the home buyer, if the market-making assets lose due to the decrease in the price of YL, when all the basic field market-making assets are retrieved, 100% of the loss amount can be compensated. Therefore, home buyers in Famland do not need to worry about the risk of basic land cultivation.

USDT/YL LP Farm Pool

After the home buyers deposit the seed property fund on Famland, all the deposited funds will automatically enter the USDT/YL LP farm pool. As long as you have USDT or YL, you can get farming income YL by creating a new Famland NFT and staking both USDT and YL in its basic field.

YL’s Price Stabilization Mechanism

YL is an algorithmic stability point in the YLE ecosystem, and the relative stability of its value is achieved through the YL price stability algorithm mechanism in YLE. This algorithmic mechanism will play a certain role in preparing the overheated buying or selling market in the trading market within a certain period of time. At the same time, when the price of YL is lower than the benchmark price, the buyers of YL will be motivated through the fund bonus, so that YL will be rewarded. The price is in a relatively stable price range. YL’s price stability mechanism is mainly composed of the following three parts: 1. SWAP transaction impermanent slippage mechanism; 2. Stable fund pool working mechanism; 3. Stable bonus pool working mechanism;

SWAP transactions have invariable slippage

Indefinite slippage is an uncertain transaction slippage value generated when the transaction price of YL deviates from the normal floating range in the SWAP transaction process. The higher the value, the higher the impermanent slippage fee. This algorithmic mechanism will inhibit overheated buying or concentrated selling in the trading market for a period of time.

YLE Farm Stability Pool

The YLE farm stable pool is divided into a stable fund pool and a stable bonus pool. The role of the stable fund pool is to use the funds in the stable fund pool to balance and stabilize the market transaction price of YL through automated SWAP transactions.

YLE Farm Fund Pool

The function of the stable bonus pool is to motivate YL buyers during this period when the price of YL is lower than the benchmark price, so as to ensure that the price of YL rises back to the normal stable benchmark price range of YL.

Famland’s Fertility Value

Fertility value is an important key value attribute in the YLE ecology. For the entire YLE ecology, the increment of Famland’s fertility value determines the flow rate of newly issued YL in each farming cycle to transfer YL to the farm’s distribution pool. The faster the YL flow rate of each farm distribution pool will be, the higher the YL output by the farm will be.

Famland Blesses NFT

According to the calculation rules of Famland’s fertility value, in order to increase the fertility value, due to the limitation of the amount of market-making funds, the purpose can only be achieved by extending the cultivation time of the basic fields. And if Famland performs a blessing operation through NFT, it can activate the channel of permanent increase of NFT fertility bonus coefficient.

CryptoTree NFT

CryptoTree is the first generation of NFTs that can be used for blessing on Famland. After the blessing is successful, Famland’s fertility bonus coefficient can be increased immediately. In the future, which NFTs can be blessed for Famland, and how much the fertility bonus will be increased, there will be community votes Decide.

Nephrite NFT

Nephrite is a kind of NFT in YLE that is produced from Famland and can be recycled. Its main function is to consume Nephrite NFT when merging two or more Famlands, increasing the success rate of the merger and the shared value of Famland after combining.

Metaverse NFT Value Standard

Just like the mountains, deserts, grasslands, and arable land in the real world, although they all exist on the surface, their values are not the same for humans. This is even more true in the world of the Metaverse. Anyone can write a string of codes and declare that it is the soil that nurtures various ecology of the Metaverse. However, is this soil valuable? The digital economy nurtured by this soil. Whether the carrier is valuable or not requires an open, more efficient and easier consensus standard to measure. The Famland Metaverse Project is building a brand new YLE ecosystem through Famland NFT and YL, operating to create a digital metaverse, the technical and logical standards of the underlying value of the spiritual home. The standard will be open source, uniting all developers and home buyers to jointly maintain and upgrade the Metaverse NFT value standard.

Ⅲ. Game play and rules

⒈Sustainability of games

Famland’s ecological algorithm stability point YL is the most basic unit and transaction body that carries the value of all digital assets in the ecosystem. It is the basis for the stability of the economic value of the Famland Metaverse. Famland NFT is an important carrier for people to home purchasing in the metaverse and realize sustainable Play-to-Earn. At the same time, Famland NFT, as the basis of community DAO voting rights, can also be used for mining. Therefore, Famland will gain higher economic value in the market.

If you are a novice, you can make money by participating in the economic system of the YLE ecosystem in the following ways.

  1. Farm Famland to make money

  2. Cultivate Famland to make money

  3. Pledge YLS to make money.

⒉Famland farming income

After home buyers create Famland NFT, they can obtain farming income by depositing USDT and YL seed property funds in Famland’s basic fields. Of course, home buyers can also choose to deposit assets in the original fields and wild fields of Famland.

Calculation rules for farming income:

Cultivation income = current income duration (by planting) × ((basic field market-making capital value + original field market-making capital value) × fertility value addition coefficient + wild field market-making capital value) × real-time annualized APY of the farm when the income is collected /525600

Current revenue duration = total duration from the last revenue time or the start time of the first market making to the revenue collection time (minutes)

Market-making capital value = amount of USDT deposited + amount of YL deposited * real-time price of YL

According to the above algorithm rules, if home buyers want to obtain higher farming income, the annualized APY of the farm at the time of collection is an important indicator, and the change in APY value will affect the actual amount of YL to be collected during this income period.

If you do not collect YL produced by Famland for the time being, but continue to temporarily store it in the farm distribution pool, the accumulated balance in the distribution pool will increase, and the farm’s APY will gradually increase over a period of time. The amount of YL produced by all home buyers will also be higher.

The longer the YL produced by Famland is retained in the farm distribution pool, the higher the income for the home buyer.

Basic field market making

The initial investment value of the basic field is set between 100-500 USDT. After the deposit is successful, the basic field fertility value bonus coefficient increases from 1 to 2 immediately. According to the above calculation formula of farming income, the home buyer invests 1 share of capital, which is equivalent to obtaining the farming income calculated according to the capital value of the basic field.

After the home buyer invests the market-making funds in the basic field plot, if they want to increase the funds or get back the funds of the basic field, they need to pay a handling fee. The rates are as follows:

  1. To retrieve the basic field funds, a 1% handling fee will be paid according to the amount of funds retrieved. No matter how much the market-making funds are retrieved each time, the farming time of Famland will be reset to zero and start the accumulation calculation again.

  2. For the secondary market making of the basic field or to increase the capital of the basic field, 100% of the handling fee will be paid according to the amount of the increased funds. However, the total value of the increased funds does not exceed 500 USDT.

100% compensation mechanism for the loss of market-making funds in the basic field

In line with the original intention of people-oriented, YLE adopts a mechanism of full compensation for the loss of home buyers' market-making funds in basic fields, with a maximum compensation amount of 500USDT. That is to say, due to the decline in the price of YL, the market-making funds of the basic field are lost, and the lost funds will be compensated by 100% of YLE. When the user fully retrieves the market-making funds of the basic field, the compensation funds will be based on the amount of the loss. The real-time price of YL Calculated as an equivalent YL amount, paid from the stable fund pool.

The purpose of the compensation mechanism is to hope that users can focus on cultivating basic fields, and even if the price drops significantly, they do not need to worry about the risk of market-making funds for basic fields. At the same time, the basic funds of all users in the YLE ecosystem also provide sufficient liquidity protection for the entire YLE fund pool transaction.

Home buyers in Original Field and Wild Field market-making funds cause market-making losses due to price fluctuations, and there is no compensation.

The timing of base field market making compensation

When the user retrieves all the market-making principal of the basic field, the compensation mechanism is triggered.

Amount of compensation

The compensation limit of the basic field = the value of the principal deposited in the basic field - the current real-time market-making value - the value of the market-making funds retrieved each time - the value of the income for each withdrawal. The maximum compensation amount is 500U, and the minimum is unlimited. When the compensation amount is lower than 0, the interface will always display 0.

Assets, amounts and sources of funds paid

After the home buyer retrieves all the market-making assets, in addition to retrieving the corresponding amount of U+YL from the liquidity pool, the compensation mechanism will be triggered. The compensation is based on the U value of the compensation fund and the real-time transaction price of YL when the mechanism is triggered, converted into the corresponding amount of YL, and paid to the home buyer from the stable pool. If the balance of YL in the stable pool is insufficient, the compensation will be terminated.

Original field market making

The original fields of Famland are land with certain risk farming benefits, but they are also the most profitable plots. Home buyers can only make markets in the original fields after obtaining the white list of the original field market making qualifications. (How to get the whitelist of Famland original field market making qualification, you can check the latest community activities)

Home buyers can invest up to 500 USDT in each original field, and the system will give away YL of the same value according to the amount of USDT invested in the original field.

Once the original field market-making funds are invested, the Famland’s fertility value bonus coefficient will immediately increase by 1 to 2 (the original field and the basic field will share the fertility bonus coefficient increase amount. When two plots make markets at the same time, the fertility bonus coefficient will be Only increase 1). It also means that the 500USDT invested by the home buyer in the original field can directly obtain a market-making capital value equivalent to 2000USDT. If the home buyer’s family planted an encrypted tree NFT, the fertility value bonus factor can be increased by 1 to 3. Then the 500 USDT actually invested by the home buyer is equivalent to obtaining a market making value equivalent to 6 times the principal, that is, when calculating the farming income, the farming income is calculated based on the market making funds of 3000 USDT.

Investment Risk Warning:

The market-making capital invested by the homebuyers in the original land plots, once invested, can never be retrieved regardless of the success or failure of the project.

Wild Field Market Making

The initial market-making value of the wild field shall not exceed 10,000 USDT, and the upper limit of the market-making quota can be increased with the increase of the fertility value. There is no fertility bonus or principal compensation guarantee for the wild field market-making.

Wild field’s market making quota can be increased in units of 500USDT. To increase the market making quota of 500USDT for the first time, the fertility value must be increased to 20,000, and then increase again, and the fertility value will increase by 3‰ to the base value.

The market-making funds of the wild field can be withdrawn at any time, and the farming time of Famland will not be affected after the market-making funds are withdrawn.

⒊Cultivate Famland

The main goal of cultivation of Famland is to increase the fertility value of Famland. The increase in fertility value is mainly divided into two directions. One is cumulative improvement, and the other is blessing improvement.

Cumulative boost

The cumulative increase of Famland depends on the cultivation time of the basic field seed funds deposited by Famland and the amount of basic field market making funds.

The specific algorithm is as follows:

Fertility value = cultivation time × 3% × (market-making capital value of basic fields and original fields × 3% × bonus coefficient + net investment assets × 0.03%)

Bonus coefficient: The default value is 1. After depositing funds in the basic field, the bonus coefficient will increase by 1. After Famland has blessed NFT, the accumulated fertility value will be converted into a certain bonus coefficient amount according to the rules of the increase in fertility value.

Cultivation time After the home buyer successfully makes a market in the basic field of Famland, the cultivation time starts to accumulate in minutes, and the market-making funds are retrieved from the basic field. Fertility values are also recalculated due to farming time. Increasing market-making funds in basic fields or withdrawing market-making funds in wild fields does not affect the farming time.


The Metaverse is the world of human spiritual civilization. To cultivate the land in the real world, people need to pay physical labor, but to cultivate on the Famland of the Metaverse, people need to pay mental labor.

Therefore, in the Famland Metaverse, all NFTs that condense elements of human spirit, consciousness, culture, art, etc. can fertilize Famland. Including but not limited to encrypted trees, encrypted crops, encrypted real estate, encrypted animals and plants, etc.

The enhancement of Famland’s fertility blessing depends on the attributes of the NFT being blessed. As long as the NFT is blessed on Famland, the bonus factor can be increased immediately. CryptoTree is the first generation of NFT in YLE that can be used to support Famland. After the blessing is successful, the bonus factor can be increased by 1 immediately. In the future, which NFTs The number of blessings that can be increased for Famland, and the amount of the fertility bonus will be decided by the community.

At the same time, after Famland blesses NFT, Famland will activate the channel of increasing the fertility value to increase the bonus coefficient.

Fertility value conversion bonus coefficient rules after Famland blessing NFT:

After Famland blesses CryptoTree NFT in the YLE ecosystem, the fertility bonus can be increased in units of 0.001. The first fertility bonus is increased by 0.001, the fertility value must be increased by 20,000, and the fertility bonus is increased by 0.001 again. The fertility value that needs to be increased is the previous increase The base value is increased by 3‰.

It can be seen that in Famland, the longer the farming time of Famland, the greater the investment, the higher the fertility value, and the more conversion coefficients after the blessing of NFT, the higher the farming income.

⒋Create a shared farm

The Famland initially created by home buyers is cultivated in the public native farms within the YLE ecology by default. Due to the different levels of consensus among home buyers in public farms, the phenomenon of digging and selling will be common, and this result will lead to consensus. High-level home buyers and low-consensus home buyers share the same APY return with different value sharing degrees, resulting in an unfair distribution of farming income.

Therefore, in addition to the public native farms in YLE ecology, home buyers can freely combine their own Famland to form a new shared farm. As long as the number of Famland that has deposited the seed property fund in the basic field reaches 30, a new shared farm can be created. In this way, YLE ecology provides a consensus-building mechanism for home buyers with a high degree of consensus. By creating shared farms, they can enjoy different APY benefits and achieve the purpose of co-location of Famland.

Shared farms are the core of value sharing in the Famland Metaverse. People who share more value will get more and more returns in the later stage, and those who share less value will get less and less benefits in the later stage. This is the rationale for the design and construction of shared farms.

The APY yield of a shared farm depends on the diversion index of the farm, which in turn is determined by the average shared value of the farm.

A shared farm is a farm that is parallel to it in addition to the original farm. In the same way, parallel new farms also have their own distribution pools. At this time, the YL in the YLE reservoir will flow to the distribution pool of each farm according to the proportion of the diversion index of each farm (including native farms and shared farms).

According to the algorithm rule of the diversion index, the distribution pool with the higher sharing value, the faster the flow rate from the reservoir to the distribution pool. This means that the flow rate of the total pool to different shared farms is also different.

Shared value is an important indicator to measure the size of Famland’s value sharing. The higher the shared value, the greater the contribution to the YLE ecology, and vice versa, the smaller the contribution. As a result, in order to encourage users to participate in the construction of the YLE ecological sharing economy, Famland in the YLE ecosystem can break away from the original farm and freely form a new shared farm to participate in farming. For the same fertility value, a farm with a high share value will get a higher APY return than a farm with a low share value.

Create a shared farm

To create a shared farm, you need to pay 120YL. After the shared farm is created, the creator is the farmer, and the farm status is in preparation. At this time, the farm is not working properly, and the Famland on the farm has no income from farming. The farmer also needs to invite other Famland to join the farm. After the number of Famland NFTs that have participated in the invitation and have already made the market in the basic field reaches 30, the farmer can officially activate the shared farm. After the activation is successful, the status of the shared farm changes to normal.

60% of the fees paid for creating a farm enter the YLE farm shared fund pool, 20% enter the reserve fund pool, and 20% enter the stable pool.

Invite Famland to join the farm

There are two ways to invite Famland to join a shared farm:

Post an Invitational Advertisement After the invitation advertisement is successfully released, the invitation order will appear on the front-end interface within the limitation period of the invitation. If the requirements of the invitation are met, the Famland of other home buyers can join the farm directly if they meet the access conditions, without paying any fees and the farm. Master approves.

1st release invitation advertisement fee standard: 600YL for 1 month, 1600YL for 3 months, 3000YL for 6 months, 5600YL for 12 months.

The invitation advertisement is released again, and the advertisement cost is doubled on the above price standard.

Invite privately via invite link After the farm is created, the system generates an invitation link address for the farmer by default. Farmers can adjust the private invitation content as needed. The private invitation address is valid for a long time.

60% of the fee paid by the farmer to initiate the invitation advertisement and the fee paid by the home buyer Famland to join the farm, 60% goes into the YLE farm shared fund pool, 20% goes into the reserve fund pool, and 20% goes into the stable pool.

Exit the shared farm

After the buyer’s Famland joins the farm, if he wants to leave the farm, he only needs to pay 120YL to exit the shared farm, of which 60YL is paid to the farmer, and 60% of the other 60YL goes into the YLE farm shared fund pool, and 20% goes into the reserve fund pool. 20% goes into the stability pool.

The farmer can also directly remove the member Famland, the farmer pays 120YL to remove the members from the shared farm, 60YL is paid to the leaving member, and 60% of the other 60YL goes into the YLE farm shared fund pool, and 20% goes into the reserve fund pool, 20% goes into the stability pool.

After the farm is successfully created, the farmer voluntarily removes it or the farm members withdraw by themselves. Even if the number of farms on the farm is less than 30, the farm members will basically withdraw the market-making funds from the farm, and the normal operation of the farm will not be affected if it is less than 500U.

⒌Famland co-governance

The goal of Famland co-governance is to increase the shared value of Famland. The value of shared value does not act on Famland itself, but on the farm where Famland is located, which increases the YL output of the farm. The higher the shared value of the farm, the more Famland contributing to the shared value, and the more YL produced, the greater the value of the farm.

Shared value

Home buyers can get Famland’s shared value after depositing assets in the Famland base. The default shared value of Famland does not exceed 500. The shared value will act on the farm where it is located. The higher the shared value of the farm, the more diversion index the farm obtains, the more YL flowing into the farm distribution pool, and the more YL the farm produces. , the higher the annualized APY of the home buyer’s farming income.

There are two ways to increase the shared value:

01 The market-making capital quota is converted into shared value

share amount

Share amount can be converted into share value. For every 1USDT worth of market-making capital invested by the home buyer in all the Famlands under the name, the accumulated share amount of the home buyer will increase by 1USDT, and for every 1USDT worth of market-making capital withdrawn from all the Famland under the name, the shared amount will be reduced by 1USDT . The accumulated share price balance of home buyers, within the range of the share value limit, can be converted into 1 unit of share value according to the share price of 1USDT.

Shared Value Limit

Shared value limit refers to the periodic upper limit of Famland shared value in each cycle, which is determined by the amount of YL the home buyer collects in the Famland basic land. The shared value limit can be increased by 1 for each YL worth 1USDT collected by the home buyer from the Famland basic land. , this limit determines Famland’s current maximum shared value cap for Famland.

02 Famland merged

Famland merging refers to merging multiple Famlands whose market-making principal value reaches 500 USDT under one’s own wallet, so that the merged Famland can obtain a higher shared value.

⒍Merged Famland

Merge requirements

  • Famland that has been marketed in original field and wild field cannot participate in famland merge.

  • The market-making capital of the basic field in the famland must reach 500 USDT.

  • Each merge must use 1 Nephrite NFT and pay the merge handling fee.

Famland Merge Rules

Merge wayUse NephriteSuccess rateMerge shared value
2 in 1gray jade30%65%
2 in 1yellow jade45%70%
3 in 1yellow jade30%55%
2 in 1green jade60%75%
3 in 1green jade45%60%
3 in 2green jade30%50%*2
2 in 1white jade75%80%
3 in 1white jade60%65%
3 in 2white jade45%55%*2
2 in 1mutton-fat jade90%85%
3 in 1mutton-fat jade75%70%
3 in 2mutton-fat jade60%60%*2
5 in 3mutton-fat jade30%45%*3

The merged shared value refers to the final merged famland shared value. After merging the shared values of multiple pieces of famland, the final famland is added and then multiplied by the corresponding coefficient.。

Merge handling fee

Each time merge charges 30YL, of which 60% enters the YLE farm shared fund pool, 20% enters the reserve fund, and 20% enters the stable pool.

Famland Merge results

  • Regardless of the success or failure of merge, the Nephrite NFT used by merge will be returned to the YLE farm shared fund pool and continue to be collected and distributed again.
  • After the successful merge, the corresponding amount of famland will be generated according to the rules of the merge. The basic field of each famland will be automatically deposited with 500U of market-making capital, and the shared value will be updated to the latest value according to the rules.
  • All the basic market-making capital for the merged famland will be transferred to the YLE Farm Sharing Fund, and the merged famland will be destroyed.

⒎Nephrite collection

Collection requirements

The basic field with market-making of 500USDT, each rebase cycle will increase the opportunity of collecting nephrite rough stones. If the collecting opportunity is missed, the collecting opportunity will be invalid.

Collection fee

After YLE goes online, the first rebase cycle will cost 30 YL for collection. After that, the collection fee for each rebase cycle will increase by 0.1 YL on the basis of the previous rebase cycle.。 For collection fees, 60% enter the YLE farm shared fund pool, 20% enter the YLE reserve fund pool, and 20% enter the YLE stable pool. The cost of collecting nephrite by the leaser shall be paid from the farmer’s fund where the famland is located.

Collection rules

The following is the percentage of nephrite that can be collected by all eligible players in each rebase cycle.

Collection timesProportion of collected nephrite
0-4gray jade 100%
5-49gray jade 80%, yellow jade 20%
50-499gray jade 80%, yellow jade 18%, green jade 2%
500-4999gray jade 80%, yellow jade 18%, green jade 1.8%, white jade 0.2%
≥5000gray jade 80%, yellow jade 18%, green jade 1.8%, white jade 0.18%, mutton-fat jade 0.02%

⒏Famland Rental

Rent Famland

Only the farmer of the shared farm can initiate a basic fields lease contract. During the valid lease period, the lessee and the Famland owner will share the income from the cultivation of the basic fields part of Famland according to the share of the lease contract. The farming income of the original fields and wild fields of this Famland still belongs to the farmers.

Contents of the rental contract

The lease contract will stipulate Famland’s lease term, revenue sharing ratio, revenue freezing ratio, nephrite collection reward rules, lease contract termination conditions and other contents. Once the farmer and the tenant have determined the lease agreement, the content of the lease cannot be modified until the lease agreement expires. After the lease contract is initiated for the same field, the lease contract cannot be initiated again, and the lease cannot be initiated again until the end of the lease period. Rental contract initiation fee

When the farmer generates the lease contract, he will pay the handling fee according to the number of rented Famland. The fee standard is: 30YL per Famland, that 60% into the YLE farm shared fund pool, 20% into the reserve fund pool, and 20% into the stable pool.

Ⅳ. SWAP price stabilization mechanism

⒈Impermanent slippage protection mechanism

Impermanent slippage

Impermanent slippage is an uncertain transaction slippage value generated when the real-time transaction price of YL deviates from the benchmark price (including ±0.02USDT) during the SWAP transaction process of the USDT/YL LP liquidity pool in YLE. The farther the price deviates from the benchmark price, the higher the uncertainty value that may be generated by impermanent slippage, and the higher the fee for impermanent slippage.

For example, when the current benchmark price of YL is 1.00USDT and the real-time trading price of YL is 1.02USDT, the normal transaction slippage of the buyer is 0.03%. The impermanent slippage is displayed as 0.1%-1%. However, when the transaction price is 1.05USDT, the normal transaction slippage is still 0.03%, while the irregular slippage is displayed as 0.4%-4%. That is to say, at this time, the minimum total slippage generated may be 0.43%, and the maximum slippage will be 4.03%. If the price rises to 1.06USDT, the maximum total slippage may reach 8.03%. And so on.

Benchmark price

The benchmark price is a reference indicator for SWAP’s non-constant slippage mechanism and the operation of the stable pool. Starting from the first farming cycle of the 1st epoch, the initial benchmark price of YL is 1USDT, and the next farming cycle will be based on the middle price of YL traded in the previous cycle as the benchmark price.

For example: the market trading price of YL in the first cycle fluctuates between 1.00-1.06USDT, and the middle price of the transaction is 1.03USDT, then the benchmark price of YL in the next farming cycle is 1.03USDT.

Impermanent slippage fee bearer

When the transaction price of YL is 0.02USDT or more higher than the benchmark price, the buyer bears the invariable slippage fee during the transaction, and the seller’s transaction is not affected; on the contrary, when the transaction price of YL is lower than the benchmark price by 0.02USDT or less, the seller In the transaction, the impermanent slippage fee is borne, and the buyer’s transaction is not affected.

Impermanent slippage value algorithm rules

When the impermanent slippage mechanism is activated, the impermanent slippage value starts from 0.1%. For every 0.01 USDT of price deviation, the impermanent slippage will double on the basis of the previous impermanent slippage, and the maximum impermanence slippage value does not exceed 100%.

⒉SWAP Stable Pool Fund Pool

Stable Fund Pool Automatic Trading Mechanism

A stable fund pool has been established in YLE, and its role is to use the funds in the stable fund pool to balance and stabilize the market transaction price of YL through automated SWAP transactions. When the price of YL is within the benchmark price range (±0.02USDT), the stable fund pool will not act. When the price of YL deviates, the stable fund pool will be activated, and the funds of 0.1% of the TOKEN being traded in the fund pool will be used first, and orders will be placed first. After the transaction is completed, if the corresponding amount of funds in the stable fund pool is not enough to complete the transaction, the insufficient part will be obtained from the Swap transaction in the farm fund pool. Every time the deviation of the transaction price increases by 0.01, the total funds used by the fund pool are doubled from the previous amount of funds.

For example, when the price of YL rises to 1.02USDT, the stable fund pool will give priority to sell 0.1% of the YL in the pool according to the current order price. When the price rises to 1.03USDT, 0.2% of the YL in the pool will be sold first. At 1.04USDT, 0.4%YL will be sold first. For every 0.1% increase in price, the priority sales ratio of the stabilization fund doubles.

Sources of funding for stable fund pools

  1. 80% of YLS stable share points auction revenue
  2. 80% of transaction fees in the YLE ecosystem
  3. 80% of transaction fee without constant slippage
  4. 4% of the farm income in the reservoir according to the user
  5. 80% of the basic field adjustment pledge fund handling fee

⒊SWAP Stable Pool Bonus Pool

Stable bonus pool incentive mechanism

The function of the stable bonus pool is to motivate YL buyers during this period when the price of YL is lower than the benchmark price, thereby ensuring that the price of YL rises back to the normal benchmark price range of YL. Source of funding for stable bonus pools

  1. 18% of YLS stable share points auction revenue
  2. 20% of transaction fees in the YLE ecosystem
  3. 20% of transaction fee without constant slippage
  4. 1% of the farm income in the reservoir according to the user
  5. 20% of the basic field adjustment pledge fund handling fee

Each cycle, the stable bonus pool will allocate 20% of the total funds as bonuses, 18% to regular bonuses and random bonuses, and 2% to shared bonuses. The stable bonus pool is divided into two types of incentives: regular bonus and random bonus. The initial share ratio of the two bonuses is 1:1. When the price of YL drops below the minimum value of the benchmark price range, using USDT to exchange YL in the farm SWAP fund pool will inevitably get regular bonus rewards, and may also get random bonus rewards.

Regular bonus award rules

Regular bonus = USDT paid by the user to purchase YL × (the balance of regular bonus pool funds in the current cycle / (YL transaction amount in the previous cycle × 3))

For example, the reward amount of the incentive pool in this cycle is 30,000 USDT. The total transaction volume in the last cycle was 10 million USDT. 3 times is 30 million U. At this time, the buyer can get a regular bonus of 1USDT for every 1000USDT traded. If the purchase funds of YL in this cycle are too large, exceeding 3 times the transaction amount of the previous cycle, the share of random bonuses will be reduced proportionally to ensure the distribution of regular bonuses.

Regular bonus settlement

The regular bonus of each farming cycle is settled manually in the next farming cycle after the end of the cycle, and it will not be able to be settled after the settlement cycle.

The unallocated part of the regular bonus in each cycle and the unsettled part will be accumulated into the regular bonus pool of the next cycle.

Random Bonus Reward Rules

When the user settles the regular bonus in the previous cycle, there will be a chance to draw a random bonus.

Each cycle will divide the total random bonus of the current cycle into several equal parts. Among them, 1 special prize, 15% bonus; 3 1st prize, 15% bonus; 9 2nd prize, 15% bonus, 30 3rd prize, 15% bonus, 300 incentive awards, bonus 40%.

Unfinished random bonuses in each cycle will be accumulated into the random bonus pool of the next cycle.

Ⅴ. Game incentive

⒈Shared Farm Ranking Rewards

The YLE shared farm has established a corresponding incentive mechanism, and has specially set up a farm shared fund pool for allocating incentive bonuses. Through the incentive system, the game, entertainment and excitement of YLE are increased. Let users who participate in farm construction enjoy more fun and returns in YLE World.

Source of funds for YLE shared fund pool

Farm construction fees: including Famland invitation advertising fees, entry fees, exit fees, etc.;

Farm handling fees: including Famland rental fees, famland merged fees, etc.;

Famland merged fee: including the collection fee of nephrite.

The YLE shared farm incentive system is divided into three parts.

  • Farm Shared Value Ranking Rewards (40% bonus)

  • Nephrite rough stone collection reward (30% bonus)

  • Famland merge reward (30% bonus)

Farm Shared Value Ranking Rewards

Farm Share Value Ranking (Bonus Percentage: 22%)

Ranking rewards are given to the top 10 farmers in each Rebase cycle by Farm Share Value.

RankingReward amount

Ranking of average famland share value (bonus accounts for: 22%)

Ranking rewards are given to the top 10 farmers with the average farm shared value in each Rebase cycle.

RankingReward amount

Famland ranking rewards (bonus accounts for: 26%)

Ranking rewards are given to the top 100 users with shared value in each Rebase cycle YLE.

RankingReward amount

Famland ranking reward for newcomers (bonus accounts for: 30%)

Ranking rewards are given to newcomers who share the top 50 famland in each Rebase cycle, and the famland is added to the farm for no more than 30 days.

RankingReward amount

Nephrite Rough Stone Collection Reward

Qualified users in each Rebase cycle divide the prize money equally according to the number of winners. If there is only one individual winning prize, all the prizes of the prize can be obtained. The more you collect, the more prizes you can get. For example, if you collect more than 100 times in a row, you can win five ABCDE prizes at the same time.

LeveNumber of consecutive collectionsPercentage of bonusesquantity

Famland Merge Rewards

In each Rebase cycle, users who perform basic field merge operations can have the opportunity to get rewards. Regardless of whether the market-making capital is full or not, the probability of winning is calculated based on the famland merge handling fee.

LevelPercentage of prize moneyNumberChance of winning

⒉YLS auction and pledge dividends

Shared bonus YLS (Yield land share), also known as the original grain shared gold. The limited issuance of 1 million pieces is a shared credit with certain risks and benefits to ensure the stability of the value of YL. Home buyers can obtain YLS by participating in the YLS auction. The source of the bonus for the YLS shared bonus pool 4% of the total funds of the YLE stable bonus pool in each farming cycle is allocated to the YLS shared bonus pool.

Homebuyers who obtain YLS through auction or through market transactions will receive shared bonus dividends for that cycle according to the proportion of pledged YLS in each farming cycle.

Ⅵ. Tokens and the economy

⒈Issuance and distribution of YL

Issuance of YL

The YL issuance system is to ensure the stability of YL value creation. The value of YL is not created out of nothing, but is based on people-oriented, and is supported by the value elements created by people and people.

Except for the pre-issuance of 1.5 million YL to the community-designated airdrop wallet account (multi-signature wallet, subject to community supervision) due to the needs of airdrop activities at the initial stage of the launch of the YLE project, there is no reservation, and other parts are all generated through the issuance of smart contracts. Divided into four epoch stages.

Epoch 1. The increase in the number of famland cultivated by people is used as the basis for YL’s additional issuance.

In the first era, every 24 hours was a farming cycle. In each cycle, for every new piece of famland cultivated by the user, 693.5 YL will be issued.

(According to the standard reference of the international poverty line per capita daily income of 1.9 US dollars published by the World Bank in 2015, YLE will use the income of the poverty line for 365 days as the basis for the number of additional YL issued in a farming cycle, that is, 365*1.9=693.5)

When the number of famland NFT cultivated by the user reaches 3,000,000, the first epoch farming cycle ends and the second epoch enters.

The calculation standard for famland reclamation is that the homebuyer successfully pledges liquidity funds in the basic plots of the famland.

Epoch 2. The value created by people in YLE is used as the basis for YL issuance.

In the second epoch, 24 hours was a farming cycle. In each cycle, the increase in value (weight accounted for 80%) of all famland in the YLE ecosystem and transaction volume increase (weight accounted for 20%) will be used as the basis for additional issuance of YL.

For example, at the end of the current farming cycle, the value of famland NFT in the YLE ecology has increased by 10 million USDT, and the transaction volume has increased by 20 million USDT. At the end of the last cycle, the value of famland NFT increased to 8 million USDT, the transaction volume increased to 10 million USDT, and the additional YL issuance volume in the current cycle was 10 million. Then, in this cycle, the value of famland NFT increased by 25%, and the transaction volume increased by 50%. So, the amount of YL issued in the next cycle is: 10 million(1+25%80%+50%*20%) = 13 million. When the total value of all famland in the YLE ecology reaches 10 trillion YL, the second epoch farming cycle ends and the third epoch enters.

Epoch 3. Time spent by people is used as the basis for YL issuance.

The effective time that homebuyer spend in the YLE ecosystem is valuable. The value generated by a person’s effective time of 1 minute may be equivalent to the value generated by a few hours or more of invalid time. After entering the third epoch, when everyone understands how to discover and use their effective time to create value in the YLE ecosystem, the value of people will be further enhanced. How to use algorithms to more truly and objectively measure human time expenditure and calculate the value generated by effective time is left to the future community and depends on future new technologies and community consensus to decide.

Epoch 4. The growth of people’s wisdom is used as the basis for YL issuance.

The greatest value of man lies in the growth of spiritual value and wisdom. Human time is limited, while spirit and wisdom are unlimited. When YLE entered the Fourth Age, it also entered the stage of infinite value. How to measure people’s intellectual growth and value evaluation more realistically and objectively through algorithms is left to the future community and decided by the future new technologies and community consensus.

Allocation of YL

All YL issued successfully will be injected into the YLE ecological farm reservoir. Then, through the flow rate control module, the YL is transferred to the YLE total distribution pool, stable fund pool and stable bonus pool. Under the premise of meeting the peak limit, the peak annualized APY of all YLE farms is 3000%.

The closer the price of YL is to the benchmark price, the greater the flow rate flowing into the distribution pool, which will increase the circulation of YL in the market, and the higher the farm APY. Conversely, the further the YL price deviates from the benchmark price, the smaller the flow rate flowing into the distribution pool, which will reduce the circulation of YL in the market, and the lower the farm’s APY will be. Especially when the price of YL is lower than the benchmark price, the proportion of YL flowing into the distribution pool will decrease more significantly, and a larger proportion of YL will flow to the stable pool fund and the stable bonus pool at this time.

Flow Control Module

The flow rate control module will transfer 30% of the balance of the reservoir in the previous cycle to the total distribution pool, stable fund pool, and stable bonus pool according to the dynamic proportion: When YL is trading below the benchmark price (exclusive)

The proportion of transfer into the total distribution pool = 95% × YL price correction parameter Y1

Proportion of transfer to stable fund pool = (1-proportion of transfer to total distribution pool) × 80%

The proportion of the transfer to the stable bonus pool = (1-the proportion of the total distribution pool) × 20% When the trading price of YL is higher than the benchmark price (inclusive)

The proportion transferred to the total distribution pool = 95% × YL price correction parameter Y2

Proportion of transfer to stable fund pool = (1-proportion of transfer to total distribution pool) × 80%

The proportion of the stable bonus pool = (1-the proportion of the total distribution pool) × 20%

YL price correction parameters

When real-time price < stable price:

YL price correction parameter Y1=(1-(base price-real-time price)/base price)^m, where m=9;

When real-time price > stable price:

YL price correction parameter Y2=1/(real-time price/base price-1)^n+1), where n=1;

The values of m and n can be adjusted according to the operating conditions.

Total flow rate

Total flow rate = (increment of all Famland fertility values in YLE in the previous farming cycle/total amount of all Famland fertility values in current YLE) × total funds in the liquidity pool × YL price correction parameter / current cycle duration (seconds)

Maximum flow rate=YL balance of YLE reservoir in last farming cycle × 30%/86400

When the total flow rate is greater than the maximum flow rate, it is divided into the total distribution pool according to the maximum flow rate, and when the total flow rate is less than the maximum flow rate, it is divided into the total distribution pool according to the total flow rate.

Diversion index of sub-farms

Sub-farm diversion index = (average value of the farm’s Famland shared value / YLE number of Famland that has already made a market in the base field) × flow rate coefficient

Flow coefficient:

The native farm flow coefficient is always 1 unchanged.

The default value of the flow rate coefficient of the shared farm is 1. For every additional 30 pieces of Famland that have already made a market in the basic field, the flow rate coefficient will increase by 0.0001.

Subfarm Flow Rate

Sub-farm flow rate = sub-farm flow rate index/YLE ecological farm total flow rate According to the above algorithm rules, it can be known that Famland with high sharing value will move out of the original farm in time to build a shared farm. In the end, the only ones who stay on the original farm are those Famland whose shared value is very low, and any shared farm is unwilling to accept it. There is no doubt that these Famland who stay on the original farm will only get lower and lower income in the future.

Distribution Pool

The flow rate control module flows into the distribution pool of each sub-farm according to the flow rate of each sub-farm. At the same time, each time the home buyer receives the income, it will reduce the balance of the distribution pool of the farm where it is located, thereby changing the APY of the current farm.

APY annualized rate of return

Let M = the maximum income of market-making assets of all users in the farm in a farming cycle (calculated at an annualized APY3000%), K = 30% of the YL balance of the farm distribution pool

When M≤K, the farm’s real-time annualized APY=3000% (maximum income)

When M>K, the farm’s real-time annualized APY=(K/M)×3000%

⒉YLS Shared Gold

Original Grain Shared Gold (YLS)

YLS (Yield land share), also known as the original grain shared gold. The limited issuance of 1 million pieces is a shared credit with certain risks and benefits to ensure the stability of the value of YL.

Shared Bonuses

In each Rebase farming cycle, the shared bonus generated by YLE will be equally distributed to each YLS according to 1 million YLS. While obtaining YLS through auction, users can also immediately obtain the accumulated shared bonus of each YLS, and after the end of each cycle in the future, they can also obtain the shared bonus for the cycle according to the proportion of the amount of pledged YLS.

YLS auction

YLS is conducted in the form of public auction. It is divided into 100 auctions, each auction is 10,000 YLS, and each auction cycle is 3 days. The first auction will start from the date when the YLE project is launched. The initial bidding price of each YLS is 1USDT, and the price of each subsequent auction will be 0.3USDT will be added to the starting price of YLS in the previous period. In each auction, the highest bidder wins, and if the bids are the same, the first bidder wins. The YLS that has passed the auction in the current period will automatically be transferred to the next auction cycle to continue the public auction.

YLS auction revenue whereabouts

80% of the YLS auction revenue goes into the YLE stable fund pool, 18% goes into the YLE stable bonus pool, and 2% goes into the YLE technology development fund special account.—